Full name: OYUNTSETSEG Yadmaa

Academic title: Master

Position: Lecturer

Research area:

Office phone: 976-324590 (2113)

E-mail address: oyuntsetsegyadmaa@gmail.com

Office: Room 323, Main Campus, Mongolian University of Science and Technology



1988 Secondary education, school № 5, Ulaanbaatar

1994 BE in Water supply and water treatment, School of Construction, Kemerovo, Russia

1998 MA in Linguistics, “Some terms of the construction industry and their uses”, School of Foreign Languages, MUST

2010 Teaching License, Mongolian University of Science and Technology



1995-1997      Clerk of faculty, School of Foreign Languages, Mongolian Technical University

1997-2003      Secretary, School of Language Education, MUST

2009-2014      Lecturer, Department of Comparative Linguistics and Terminology Studies, School of Language Education, MUST

2014-2019      Lecturer, Department of Applied Linguistics, Institute of Foreign Languages, MUST

2019-present  Lecturer, Department of Applied Linguistics, School of Foreign Languages, MUST



English Teachers’ Association of Mongolia

Trade Union Commette, School of Foreign Languages



2019   Foreign language teaching methodology, a week, Buryat State University, Russia



2012    Honorary award of the Academic Council, School of Computer Science and Management

2013    Director’s Award, School of Foreign Languages, MUST

2018    Certificate of Honor, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

2020    Director’s Award, School of Foreign Languages, MUST



Scientific articles:

Domestic - 2

Course books, handbooks:

Author, compiler - 3

Translation work - 1

Copyright -1

Thesis supervisor:

Bachelor - 1

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